Home International Events, Fairs Booths at the FinnMETKO 2024 exhibition were sold at a record pace
Booths at the FinnMETKO 2024 exhibition were sold at a record pace

Booths at the FinnMETKO 2024 exhibition were sold at a record pace


FinnMETKO 2024, a major exhibition of the machine industry, will be held at the end of August in Jämsä. The sale of exhibition booths started in June of last year, and the demand for booths has been record high. Already 270 exhibitors have reserved their booth space at the major exhibition of professionals in the heavy machinery industry.

At this rate, the number of exhibitors at the last exhibition will be exceeded, says the director of the exhibition, Tapio Hirvikoski.

There is reason to celebrate next autumn’s exhibition, because it is the 20th exhibition. The first FinnMETKO exhibition was organized in 1987, and the second immediately after in 1988. Since then, the mechanical industry professionals’ own exhibition has been organized every other year, and in August of this year, the 20th exhibition will be held.

There will be a traditional covering with new rugs, explains Hirvikoski

The traditional exhibition presents equipment, machines, equipment and services for earthworks, wood harvesting, the energy industry and logistics. The work demonstrations are an essential part of the FinnMETKO exhibition, and this time too, you can follow the work demonstrations of wood harvesting, wood chipping and construction machinery.

Among the new decorations, the most visible to visitors is the new location of the exhibition’s main gate.
The entrance, which used to be in the middle of the exhibition area, has been moved to the very southern tip of the area in Jämsä Myllymäki. At the same time, the exhibition area has been slightly shortened at the southern end.

The new location of the southern gate of the exhibition area clarifies movement in the exhibition and increases safety, as the routes taken by exhibition visitors and the traffic to the parking lots are clearly separated, says Hirvikoski.

The gate at the northern end of the area is in its old, familiar location, north of the Kaakkolammi gravel collection area. This gate has long been known as the land gate. The old name is now more than appropriate, as it leads directly to the exhibition area of ​​construction machinery.

Construction machinery is in its own natural environment in the former gravel extraction area at the northern end of the area. There will be a concentration of construction machinery there, several industry players have already reserved their stands there, says Hirvikoski.

A reform that is literally palpable for visitors is the introduction of an electronic ticket system. The online store for visitors’ admission tickets will be opened in June. You can also buy food and coffee tickets in advance at the ticket office.

FinnMETKO 2024 will be held in Jämsä on August 29–31, 2024
The exhibition is open to the public every day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.


More information:
CEO Tapio Hirvikoski, Finnmetko Oy, tel. 040 900 9417
Communications manager Sirpa Heiskanen, Koneyrittäjät, tel. 040 900 9423


FinnMETKO 2024, the professional and sales exhibition for the mechanical engineering industry, is the main event for the heavy machinery industry in Finland. The responsible organizer of the FinnMETKO 2024 exhibition is Finnmetko Oy. The exhibition’s background organizations are Koneyrittäjät ry and Keski-Suomen Koneyrittäjät ry. www.finnmetko.fi